Deborah Trafford offers acupuncture and a range of supporting treatments in Norfolk.
The use of fine needles for therapeutic effect is what defines Acupuncture and the techniques are an important aspect of the whole system of Oriental Medicine which encompasses Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM. As an ancient healing system the theories of Chinese Medicine have been the basis of nourishing life and optimising health for over 2,000 years and acupuncture techniques have been thoroughly tested and developed as a system of medicine to resolve disease and support health.
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I have practised Reflexology for many years and my style is firm yet gentle (to distinguish from Light Touch Reflexology) thoroughly working all the reflex areas of the feet and ankles. I incorporate the acupuncture points and channels of the feet and lower legs. Reflexology feels deeply relaxing and nurturing and has a balancing effect on the organs and systems of the body to stimulate healing of body, mind and emotions.
As well as the use of needles in treatment a variety of other techniques may be used including electro-acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Tui-Na, acupressure massage, diet and lifestyle advice.